Effective Fall 2025, DGS will become the Division of Exploratory Studies. Same mission; new name.

First-Year Experience Course (GS 101)

General Studies 101, commonly known as GS 101, is an exploratory class that introduces the opportunities available to you through DGS.

Exploring General Studies

GS 101 is a 10-week course taken during each DGS student’s first semester on campus. This course fulfills the 1 credit hour orientation requirement for all colleges.


Taught by DGS advisors and administrators, this course introduces the information and skills that will help you have a successful undeclared experience and transition to Illinois. Classroom discussions will examine strategies for addressing common challenges facing undeclared students, enhance time management and study skills, and help you develop a greater self awareness in the academic and broader community contexts.


Course Objectives include:

  • Be familiar with the processes and tools available for exploring potential majors and careers.
  • Understand the intercollegiate transfer (ICT) process.
  • Know of and use the personal, academic, and career resources offered by the University and DGS.
  • Be aware of the tools and procedures related to course registration.
  • Develop skills to successfully transition to Illinois.